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The Edible CockTail

The New York Times' recent look at big ideas of 2007 noted a particular way to to get hammered. By eating a pickle. Dave Arnold, who head's culinary technology at the French Culinary Institute, has created a crunchy martini by soaking peeled cucumbers in gin and vermouth instead of using the more outdated salt and brine approach. After plunging this tailgate-friendly treat into a Mason jar with the concoction, Arnold vacuum-seals and heats all of it. This collapses the cucumber's air pockets. When the seal is broken, the air pockets fill themselves full of juicy liquor. Brilliant. And thanks to the Mason jar, the pickle keeps it's crunchiness! Though he serves it in a fancy way (sprinkled with celery seeds, grated lime zest and sea salt), I have a feeling this new delicacy will be a common item at football games and dive bars sooner than we think. Why else would every bar-tender stock a pickle jar?


12/23/07, 4:04 PM Big Pappa said...

I have had the cherries soaked in 99% grain alcohol, I believe that it was called Everclear. :)

12/23/07, 7:55 PM bowman_joshua said...

I've only tried it with watermelon... and I'd call it a success. But my method didn't involve vacuum-sealing.


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