Entertainment & Innovation

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At the suggestion of TechToll, I am trying out a new web service called rssHugger. Guess what it does. That's right, it's designed to boost your rss sucribers and help you promote your blog. The website says it

"...aims to bring bloggers and readers together... provide blog owners with a unique easy-to-use way to promote their blogs by sending them traffic, building backlinks for search engine optimization, as well as attracting new rss subscribers if the content is interesting to the reader... rssHugger aims to help visitors be able to easily find blogs that write about subjects they are interested in. If the visitors find a blog that they had not previously heard about, they can easily add it to their RSS readers or bookmark it.”

The site is clear and easy to use, but you have to get your blog approved before you can add it to their rss listings. The whole process seems simple and innovative. I will update you when I get a better idea the results and how it works.



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