Kevin Smith put up a gut-busting teaser trailer a few days ago for his next flick "Zack and Miri Make a Porno.' In doing so, he bunched some panties over at the MPAA and they forced him to take it down. I thought, probably like most of you, that this is bull and the MPAA doesn't or shouldn't have this kind of power. But Smith said on his News Askew website that the reason is "Weinstein Co. (like most studios) is a signatory of the MPAA. As such, there are protocols involving trailers that we failed to follow." That's a bunch of crap, but I guess the incident will only generates more exposure. I can't wait to see what other sort of religious types and activists come out of the woodwork to go toe-to-toe with this film.
Smith continues to explain that this teaser was never submitted to the MPAA because they assumed since there was no footage from the movie they didn't need to. I would have thought the same, but since there's no reliable way to check a viewer's age on the internet, and the trailer obviously deserves a red band rating, the MPAA thought they needed to approve it. Since it's already out there, and copies will obviously be made, it could live on the internet for a long time.
Here's a copy of the trailer at firstshowing.net that as of 11:30 this morning, is still live.
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